Entro Sabato 15 Giugno

“Once Upon a Byte: Bridging Collective Imaginary and Technology”


15 June 2024

“Once Upon a Byte: Bridging Collective Imaginary and Technology”

“Once Upon a Byte: Bridging Collective Imaginary and Technology” è un convegno organizzato dall’European Fairy Tale Route della Comunità Europea e dall’Univiersità San Raffaele Roma, con il patrocinio della sezione AIS Teorie Sociologiche e Trasformazioni Sociali.

Il convegno si terrà il 26 ottobre 2024 in via telematica.

Seguono ulteriori informazioni (in lingua inglese).

Conference theme

Collective imagination plays a distinctive role in the foundation and articulation of human societies to understand the construction of our cognition of the world.
Imagination not only reflects the world but actively contributes to creating it through the representations and perspectives we develop as individuals and as societies.

In light of this, myths, legends, stories, as well as political ideologies, ethical norms, and cultural practices are relational and behavioural models that mutually influence each other and contribute to the formation of socially shared identities and values.

To analyse this perspective, we will examine the relationship between imagination and the technoscientific apparatus – from fire to artificial intelligence – which has always brought about radical transformations in categories of belonging, institutional architectures, behaviour models, through expedients that we could define as “techno-magical.”

The call is open to all disciplinary fields and to those who investigate the relationships between the imaginary and technosciences as a field of discovery, interpretation, anticipation, and analysis of social constructions. Starting from myth, fairy tales, literature, cinema, comics, manga to new technologies, theoretical and empirical contributions will be accepted that allow reflection on the potential of the imaginary and its function as a poietic act of new tools, models, ethics, cultures and societies.